I offer my great thanks to Max u for Amazon gift cards.
I do these periodic reports mostly for myself to have something to look back at and to give readers a sense of what they might find on The Reading Life.
As of now there are 2588 posts online. As thereadinglife I have 4009 Twitter followers. Since inception on July 7, 2009 my blog has had 3,423,761 page views. Blog readership normally declines from April to late August.
Top Blog Countries. A big change
1. USA
2. Russia (mostly on posts on Katherine Mansfield) first time ever this high
3. Philippines
4. India
5. Germany - new to top five countries list.
Top city. Metro Manila
Continuing a trend of years, my posts on short stories of the Philippines drew the most hits followed by those on Katherine Mansfield and R. K. Narayan.
I only read five books in April, one I did not post on. This is way down from the normal 12 to 18. The causes are several but mostly due to sleeping or half sleeping too much. This is bad for me mentally and physically and hopefully I will reverse the trend.
I continued on in Balzac's grand La Comedie Humaine,having now completed 58 of 91 works. I pushed in reading and posting on the short stories of Clarice Lispector. I focused a bit on Indian Subcontinent Short Stories.
What is to come on The Reading Life
Much will be more of the same, more short stories, classics, modern fiction, and a continuation of my projects. I am always delighted to find a great new to me writer and I know there are just so many out there. If I have a priority for new writers, it is the Irish. I will still try to do more Q and A sessions.
Revíew Policy
I have no refined policy. If I accept an offer of a review book it means I will look at it. If I have told you I will post on your book then I will.
If you have any reading suggestions for me, ideas to improve my blog, or wish to do a guest post or be featured on The Reading Life, let me know.
Hopefully Ambrosia Bousweau will become a bit more active in her role as European editor.
Mel u
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