
Saturday, November 2, 2019

My Plans and Hopes for German Literature Month - Novrmber - 2019

This will be the eighth year in which I have participated in German Literature Month.  Events like this are part of the reason that the international book blog community is such a great entity.  There are reading suggestions on the host blog and the many participants always surprise me with wonderful new to me writers.

I hope to read most of the books in the list below.  Not all the authors were born in Germany but all the items were first originally written in German.

In no particular order

1. Blue Night by Simon Buchnolz - 2016 . Crime novel
2. Goethe: Life as a Work of Art by Rödiger Safrsnsh
3. Memoirs of a Polar Bear by YokaTawada
4. Berlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döibin - premier Weimar era novel.  I will be joining the read along
5. Allman and the Pink Diamonds by Martin Suter - a detective novel. 2017
6. A Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil - this is a long work, I might break up the posts
7. Nightmare in Berlin by Hans Fallada -his final work
8. Heinrich Von Kleist - two short stories
9. Stefan Zwieg.  Researching what to read
10. Robert Walser. Researching ideas

I have numerous backup books in mind and I know I will be lead to other works as the month goes on.

Our thanks to Caroline and Lizzy for hosting this wonderful event.

Mel ü
Ambrosia Bousweau


  1. Mel, I am not familiar with any of these. Memoirs of a Polar Bear by Yoka Tawada interests me at this point in time.

  2. Now that’s what I call a plan! Happy reading!

  3. What a good mix between “serious” works and easy to read.

  4. Suko. Thanks as always for the comments

  5. Lizzy SIddal. Thanks. Be3n looking forward to this for a long time

  6. Pat. That was my objective.thanks so much for your comment

  7. Wonderful plans, Mel. I’m sure, knowing you, you’ll read them all.

  8. Caroline.thanks for your comment and for hosting this great event


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