This year, Buried in Print, a marvelous blog I have followed for over ten years,is doing a read through of the short stories of Carol Shields. I hope to participate fully in this event.
The more I read in the stories of Carol Shields the more grateful I am to Buried in Print for turning me on to her work. There are sixty some stories in the collection, it is my hope to read and post on them all
"Milk Bread Beer Ice" is the 36th story by Carol Shields upon which I have posted.
Like numerous of her other stories this one is about a married couple in their late middle ages on a trip.
"Imprisoned now for five long days in the passenger seat of a brand new Oldsmobile Cutlass, Barbara thinks of herself as a castaway. Her real life has been left behind in Toronto. She and Peter are en route to Houston to attend an estate auction of a late client of Peter’s, a man who ended his life not long ago with a pistol shot. For the sake of the passage, admittedly only two weeks, she has surrendered those routines that make her feel busy and purposeful."
1 comment:
Many times, as much as I love her stories, the title alone does not bring back the story in full, but in this case I immediately remembered the story when I saw your post! The intimacy and discomfort, the quiet tension and simmering disappointments. I'm so glad you have enjoyed her work so consistently.
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