The Silent Cry centers on two brothers who return after WWII to their ancestral home town in a village in rural Japan. The village is now dominated by a Korean businessman ironically called "The Emperor". One of the brothers has a mentally handicapped son (this is a frequent theme in the work of Oe and is a large factor in his own life) and The Silent Cry shows how he deals with this. This is the first of the works of Oe I have read in which we see the effects the birth of a mentally handicapped child has on the wife who is depicted as now very promiscuous and a lover of whiskey.
One of the brothers tries to come to understand why a long time friend had killed himself. The other brother tries to lead the local youths in a rebellion against the domination of the Korean. There is a lot of violence in this work and graphic sexual scenes. I recommend this book to anyone who has read some of the better known works of Oe and enjoyed them.
To me the work of Oe is a great world class cultural treasure.
Mel u
Great, mel. I have this same book in an omnibus edition that also contains A Personal Matter and Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness. I have had my eye on Oe after I read 2 of his minor works. I plan to read more of him & your review reminds me to do it soon.
Mel, you are absolutely right, as I am discovering through reading Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness, which collects four of Mr. Oe's shorter novels. The first one was The Day He Himself Shall Wipe My Tears Away, and it was the perfect introduction to the beauty--and brutality--of Oe's style.
I have you to thank for the fact that I am reading him; I hope that I can do him justice.
Rise-I hope you enjoy it and thanks as aways
ds-I cannot wait to read your post on When He Himself Shall Wipe Away My tears-the other works in the collection are really great also-suggestion-read next his collection of stories about the atomic bomb
parrish lantern-thanks very much-I agree totally
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