
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Reflections on Seven Years of The Reading Life

When I began The Reading Life on July 7, 2009 I never dreamed it would become such a big factor in my life, never did I think I would still be posting for it seven years later.  My blog has helped me get through dark times, connected me to amazing lovers of the reading life all over the world.  

There are as of today 2922 posts on the blog.

The Reading Life has had 4,096,592 page views.

The five most viewed posts in the last seven years are all on older short stories by authors from the Philippines.  

The top countries of residence are USA, the Philippines, India, UK, and Germany.  The top visitor home city is the greater Manila area.  California is home to the most American visitors.  

To those who take the time and trouble to leave a comment, I offer my great thanks.  I am always happy to see a comment.  Comments help keep bloggers going.  To my guest posts authors and q and a participants, you bring a much needed break from my endless blathering.  I am also proud of the original short stories first published here by authors from all over the world.

My special thanks to Max u for his support of The Reading Life.   

Of course I hope I will keep blogging for many more years.  I have asked Ambrosia Boussweau to return as European director to signify a deep commitment to multiculturalism.  To the world's greatest readers, the members of the international book blog community, keep blogging.  To the spammers of the world, contact me to collect your Exxon Grants. 

Mel u

1 comment:

  1. Happy blogiversary, Mel! Your blog is fantastic! Here's to many more years of reading!!


your comments help keep us going and do a lot to make the blog more interesting.thanks