Short Stories, Irish literature, Classics, Modern Fiction, Contemporary Literary Fiction, The Japanese Novel, Post Colonial Asian Fiction, The Legacy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and quality Historical Novels are Among my Interests

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Welcome to All Book Blog Hoppers July 29 to August 1

Welcome to The Reading Life

I have been an on and off participant in The Book Blogger Hop hosted by Jennifer of Crazy for books for a long time.   I have found it to be a great place to discover new to me blogs and meet some great book bloggers.    

My blog and my reading focuses on an ever evolving collections of reads but for now I am very into South Asian Short Stories, Japanese fiction, classics, Katherine Mansfield, Flannery O'Connor, Elizabeth Bowen and Virginia Woolf.   I also read a wide variety of short stories and review an occasional carefully selected new work.

My blog is the home of Irish Short Story Week centered around St Patrick's Day.   I am open to book blog events.   In August I will be the joint host on August 17 of Indonesian Short Story Day and on August 31, Malaysian Short Story Day.   These events will be hosted by bloggers with a special knowledge of the culture of these two countries.

Every week Jennifer poses an interesting question for us-this week she asks us to name a book we have recently acquired and cannot wait to read-my answer is Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

I will follow back all who follow me-just leave a comment letting me know you are now a follower

Mel u


Song said...

I'm reading it right now and am simply enjoying it! Are you taking part in the read-along of Gone with the Wind hosted by The Heroine's Bookshelf?...

Harvee44 said...

Good choice! I've read Gone with the Wind a couple times and am up to reading it again!

Mel u said...

Risa-yes I will be taking part in the read along and am looking forward to it-will you be joining in?

Harvee/Book Dileettante-have you also joined the August Read along?

pussreboots said...

Gone with the Wind is a page turner. I've posted a picture of an adorable baby pickle. It's an illustration from the book I'm highlighting. Please come see what book I'm reading!

Mystica said...

Thats a classic read!

Song said...

Mel - Yep! I'm joining in! Although, I'm beginning to think I'll end up finishing the novel way ahead of schedule. It's quite gripping.

Anonymous said...

I read Gone with the Wind last year and enjoyed it much more than I expected too. I hope you enjoy it :)

MoMo 2.0 said...

Even though I am not participating, I gotta say--LOVE the cartoon!