Short Stories, Irish literature, Classics, Modern Fiction, Contemporary Literary Fiction, The Japanese Novel, Post Colonial Asian Fiction, The Legacy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and quality Historical Novels are Among my Interests

Friday, December 30, 2011

Japanese Literature for 2011

Japanese Literature/2011
This year I read 14 novels by writers from Japan.     This year I will continue my practice of placing my Japanese novels on their own list.   This is a non-literary decision.

In order read, here are the Japanese novels I read in 2011.

Banana Yoshimoto
  1. Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima-a wonderful work-part two of a Tetrology
  2. J by Kenzaburo Oe-a strange work 
  3. A Cat, a Man, and Two Women by Junichiro Tanizaki-great cat book from a cat lover and one of my favorite authors.
  4. 17 by Kenzaburo Oe-not what most would expect but a fun read
  5. Tatto Chan-The Little Girl in the Window by Tetsuko Kuro-a light weight book-easy read but don't buy it-school days in Tokyo in WWII
  6. The Pinch Runner Memorandum by Kenzaburo Oe-yes I like Oe
  7. Koroko by Natsume Soseki-a class must read work 
  8. An Echo of Heaven by Kenzaburo Oe-really interesting book
  9. Villain by Shuichi Yoshida-OK crime novel but you can do better-don't buy
  10. Botchan by Natsume Soseki-must reading-school life and teaching
  11. 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami-my most disappointing read of at least this year-opinions differ on this-if you are seriously into the Japanese novel I guess you will at some point one to read this work.   If you plan to buy it wait a few months for the remainder sales.  
  12. Asleep by Banana Yoshimoto -I like her a lot
  13. The Lake by Banana Yoshimoto-her latest-an enjoyable read
  14. School Girl by Osamu Dazai-worth reading
  15. Kenzaburo Oe
  16. Ark Sukura-another strange book by Kobe Abe-real neat book

I also read about 40 short stories by Japanese writers.   I highly recommend The Oxford Book of Japanese Short Stories to anyone who wants to learn more about this area while reading some wonderful stories.

I will continue reading Japanese literature the rest of my life.   

Mel u


Bellezza said...

From your list, I've only read 1Q84 and Villain. But, there are so many to discover together which is a wonderful thing! I'm so glad for your (and Parrish's) participation and joy in Japanese literature such as I feel myself. Hopefully, we can continue this party for many years to come.

Harvee44 said...

I'v joined the Murakami Challenge for2012 and hope to read some other authors too, such as Banana Y. I didn't kknow she was a she. Her books should be interesting. Happy New Year's reading.

Mel u said...

Parrish Lantern-it is great we share a love for Japanese literature

Bellezza-yes here is hoping for many more years-I know there are so many great Japanese authors that I have not yet even heard about.

Harvee-Banana is a very talented writer-I like all of the works by her I have read a lot-thanks so much for stopping by my blog-

Suko said...

Impressive list! I am so thankful for Bellezza's JLCs; otherwise, I probably would never have read any Japanese novels.

Here's to a fabulous reading life in 2012!

Mel u said...

Suko-I think I also might not have ever gotten started in Japanese Literature with out the challenge from Bellezza

Terri B. said...

What a nice list of Japanese books you've read! I enjoy reading in this area also and you have some here that I don't know about :)

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

I have never read Japanese literature. I'll make a start by reading your previous posts. Do you read Japanese or translated works? The latter are always tricky. Good luck to reading plenty in 2012!

Mel u said...

Terri B-thank for your comment and visit-I am glad we now follow each other's blog

Prashant C. Trikannad I read Japanese literature in translation. It is a fascinating field

Brandon Shire said...

Great list! Will be working my way through this.

ChuckTyrell said...

I've not read much Japanese literature in translation. Miyamoto Musashi a trillion years ago. One Mishima (Golden Pavilion??) which I was not enamored with. Slogged my way through Murakami's Umibe no Kafka. Sorry, don't like him. Haven't tried Banana. Did read some Edogawa Ranpo, which I found interesting if improbable. But then, I'm not much of a fan of English language "literary" stuff either. Don't know what I'm trying to say. Respect your love for things Japanese. I do that myself. Really like non-fiction about things Japanese. But then, I write that kind of stuff myself.

Mel u said...

Brandon Shire-thanks very much for your comment and visit-your book is listed among my big reads for 2011

ChuckTyrell-very interesting comment-what sort of non-fiction items about Japan do you write

Rise said...

We've read the same number of Japanese books! I share your enthusiasm for Mishima, Tanizaki, & Soseki. This year I will focus on four Japanese writers - Shusaku Endo, Soseki, Kobo Abe, and Mishima - and possibly a lot more.

JoV said...

If you haven't mention, I wouldn't have known you read so many Japanese books this year. Well done! I would like to read Spring Snow and one from Natsume Soseki.