Saturday, November 29, 2014
- Lizzy Siddal said...
A party! I am so there … with Johann Wolfgang von Goethe as my +1. We’ve got quite pal-ly during my two summers in Weimar. Christiane’s not at all jealous …I take it that Stefan will be master of ceremonies?
November 29, 2014 at 11:11 PM
- drowningnotwaving said...
Yay!!! I am coming with Sebastian Zollner as my +1 ....yes, i kniw he's horrible but he grew on me during his road trip with Kaminski.....if I could bring one more it would be Heinrich Böll ....but he would find it difficult to deal with the new (to him) no smoking areas!
December 1, 2014 at 3:47 AM
- Jonathan said...
Ich komme. Danke.
December 1, 2014 at 5:52 AM
Daniela said...
How wonderful, I'd love to come! Accompanying me will be Ernst Lothar, Austro-Hungarian author and a regular at Stefan Zweig's Vienna apartment back in the days...
December 1, 2014 at 6:45 PM
- Mel u said...
Lizzy, your suite will be available for seven days. We are working now on events, music, day tours,lectures and such. Rilke will be two suites away from you.
December 1, 2014 at 7:29 PM
- Mel u said...
drowingnotwaving. A six floor corner suite is reserved in your name. Glad you are coming.
December 1, 2014 at 7:31 PM
- Mel u said...
Jonathan. So glad you are coming. Let the concierge know of ya requests you have.
December 1, 2014 at 7:35 PM
- Mel u said...
Daniela. I told Zweig of your intentions and he is very pleased. You will have carte Blanche at the hotel for seven days.
December 1, 2014 at 7:37 PM
Consider this your formal invitation to the close out party for German Literature IV. The festivities will take place in the Goethe Room at The Grand Budapest Hotel. Please wear formal evening attire,if possible. You may bring your own guests and all of the authors and characters you posted on are more than welcome.
Your host will be Ruffington Bousweau, author of The Manly Man’s Guide to the Ports of the Mediterranean.
Consider this your formal invitation to the close out party for German Literature IV. The festivities will take place in the Goethe Room at The Grand Budapest Hotel. Please wear formal evening attire,if possible. The time will be announced shortly, there will be many special guests, Ruffy, you will be calling him that my the end of the party, has added his own chef to those of the Grand Hotel so the food will be exquisite. If you need help with booking flights or steamships, contact the hotel concierge. Prince Youseff has kindly booked on his account the top three floors of the hotel for complementary rooms for event guests. You may stay for seven days.
Lizzy has been assigned the Queen Theresa Suite and Carolina, cats permitted, the Maria Antoinette Suite. There shall be, details being worked out with hotel management, a Venus in Furs Costume Party.
Kafka has already RSVPed and indicates he will come if he can escape the castle, Stefan Zweig will be delighted to see his old friend Ruffy in whose modest 32 room Chateau in the south of France he once wintered, Joseph Roth, after verifying endless drinks are “on the house”, said he will be coming for sure. Gregor von Rezzori will be in attendance but Thomas Bernard refused the very idea. All event participants are invited.
Two Early Arrivers Getting in the Spirit
Post event there will be a detailed report with most indescretions veiled.
Gregor von Rezzori has already arrived.
Please RSVP if possible