Short Stories, Irish literature, Classics, Modern Fiction, Contemporary Literary Fiction, The Japanese Novel, Post Colonial Asian Fiction, The Legacy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and quality Historical Novels are Among my Interests

Saturday, April 4, 2020

My Lock Down Reading Plans and Hopes

Here in Quezon City we have been in lock down since March 15, I expect it will continue another month at least.  My family, wife, three adult daughters and five cats are materially fine.  You can go out to shop and there are delivery options.  

I admit to being distracted at first.  I decided to create a special "Lock Down Collection" to motivate me.  There are lots of short stories and I will try to post on one at least every other day.  I also included science fiction and fantasy works.  

Have you made any lock down reading plans?


LT/6550 said...

I’m going to read histories covering the time span of my own lifetime .... maybe then I can make sense of how we got to our here and now ....

Mel u said...

R. T. - very good plan. Thanks for stopping by in these trying Times, it means a lot

mudpuddle said...

we're sort of in semi-lockdown here... we mostly stay home, but go to safeway for food and card place for gas... i've been reading a lot of '30's mysteries; mrs. m is reading a lot of Zen... life goes on, regardless...

Terra said...

I posted about 4 of my lockdown reading books on my blog today. Mostly upbeat reading for me in lockdown. Your book choices look intriguing.

Mel u said...

Terra, thanks so much for your visit, I stopped by your lovely blog.

Lisbeth said...

Good to hear that you are all fine. I am also fine here in Sweden. We are in volontary isolation and just go out for shopping food and walks in the forests. Weather has mostly been lively and that helps keeping younspirit up. As a reader you always have things to do. 🤗😀 I also have a lot of indoor projects which I have now more time for. Take care and stay safe.

Buried In Print said...

I've just been reading along - as much like normal as possible - but you've inspired me to make a list. Meanwhile, I hope you're still enjoying the pages you're turning! And that your family is together and well during this time.