Short Stories, Irish literature, Classics, Modern Fiction, Contemporary Literary Fiction, The Japanese Novel, Post Colonial Asian Fiction, The Legacy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and quality Historical Novels are Among my Interests

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Cover Girl is a 1944 American musical romantic comedy film directed by Charles Vidor, and starring Rita Hayworth and Gene Kelly. The film tells the story of a chorus girl given a chance at stardom when she is offered an opportunity to be a highly paid cover girl. It was one of the most popular musicals of the war years.

 Available on YouTube 

Cover Girl is a 1944 American musical romantic comedy film directed by Charles Vidor, and starring Rita Hayworth and Gene Kelly. The film tells the story of a chorus girl given a chance at stardom when she is offered an opportunity to be a highly paid cover girl. 

If you like beautiful women, especially if Rita Hayworth entralls you, then Cover Girl is for you. Gene Kelly plays her on and off boyfriend. 

 Primarily a showcase for Hayworth, the film has lavish modern and 1890s costumes, eight dance routines for Hayworth, and songs by Jerome Kern and Ira Gershwin, including "Long Ago (and Far Away)".

Cover Girl was Columbia's first Technicolor musical, and songwriter Arthur Schwartz's first venture into producing.


Buried In Print said...

Another one that I've not heard of, but I bet it would be a good distraction on dark days.

Mel u said...

Buried in Print- yes you are very right.