Short Stories, Irish literature, Classics, Modern Fiction, Contemporary Literary Fiction, The Japanese Novel, Post Colonial Asian Fiction, The Legacy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and quality Historical Novels are Among my Interests

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Aussie Author Challenge 2010

Once again my morning reading of the items in my Google Reader in box brought me news of another new reading challenge that I wanted to join.   It is The Aussie Author Challenge 2010 hosted by Booklover Book Reviews.   The rules are pretty simple.   There are two levels of commitment.  At the Tourist Level you are asked to read three books by three different Australian authors.   At the Fair Dinkum Level you are asked to read eight books, of which five must be by different authors.   A link is provided giving reading ideas and the challenge host will be doing features periodically on different writers from Australia.  (I am hoping we will learn Marcus Zusak has another book coming out soon!)   I have noticed my blog has a lot  of visitors from Australia so I decided why not and I will commit to the tourist level.   Marcus Zusak has one book in print I have not yet read and if I cannot get it I would love to reread  The Book Thief.   Geraldine Brooks of People of the Book has two historical novels that look great.     I ask any Australian visitors to please give me some ideas also.  

Mel u


Suko said...

G'day mate! Now this seems like a challenge I could handle. I have I Am the Messenger in my TBR pile, and I like the work of Geraldine Brooks. I may need to join this one. :)

Booklover Book Reviews said...

Thanks for joining me in this reading challenge Mel u. I look forward to sharing reviews, and hope I'm able to uncover some more great Australian authors for you in the process!
PS: I just love your blog header picture.

Mel u said...

Suko-glad to see you joined this challenge and I am very interested to see how you will react to I am the Messenger

Booklover Book Reviews-I really like your challenge badge-I hope to learn about some more Australian Authors-I am very happy as I have a number of people from Australia who visit my blog on a regular basis

Peter S. said...

Wow, another challenge that you'd be participating in and one that would make me keep coming back to your blog for your reviews! Good luck on this challenge, Mel!

May I suggest something -- Steve Toltz's A Fraction of the Whole. It was shortlisted for the Booker Prize last year. I think I bought my copy at PowerBooks.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I've joined this challenge as well :-)

If you're looking for of my favourite books of 2009 was Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey (a young Western Australian novelist).

Looking forward to sharing reviews with everyone!

Holly said...

Check out Melina Marchetta NS John Marsden.

Mel said...

One of my favourite Australian books is Tim Winton's "The Riders" I have read many of his other books since and still like The Riders the best. Some of his other titles give more of an Australian sense of place (for instance the more recent "Breath" is a wonderful coming of age surfing story) but for pure story telling brilliance I reckon start with The Riders.