Short Stories, Irish literature, Classics, Modern Fiction, Contemporary Literary Fiction, The Japanese Novel, Post Colonial Asian Fiction, The Legacy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and quality Historical Novels are Among my Interests

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Welcome to all Book Blog Hoppers-Midweek Edition-April 11 to April 14

"Welcome to all Bloggers"-Charles    

Every week Jennifer of Crazy for Books hosts the Book Blogger Hop.    This is a great event that allows book bloggers around the world to connect.    I have discovered lots of great blogs this way and gained  wonderful readers.  

I return all follows.

Every week Jennifer poses a question for us-This week she as us what our non-book guilty pleasures are?-I am not sure these are real  guilty pleasures but I would list True Blood, mango ice cream,  old classic comic radio shows,  Seinfield, Arroz Caldo for breakfast on Saturdays (ginger infused rice-chicken porridge cooked Zambalean Style),   and making new collages for my blog!

My blog is about 60 percent on Short Stories, 20 percent on classics and 20 percent on Asian Fiction.   I am open to events and read a longs.    I host the annual Irish Short Story Week.  

If you stop by my blog , please leave a comment so I can return the visit or follow.  

Mel u


Suko said...

Arroz Caldo for breakfast--yum! Served with orange-pomegranate juice, of course. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure mango ice cream would ever be considered a guilty pleasure! It's just too good!
Hopping through!
Have a good week

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine anyone thinking the mango ice cream is a guilty pleasure. It just tastes too good!
Hopping through. Have a good week.

Jo K said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog:) TV is one of my "guilty" pleasures, too.

Have a great week!

Jules said...

TV is also one of mine, but more in the form of boxsets. I like being able to watch everything at once! :)

I'm a new follower, I really like your blog and I look forward to reading more.


@parridhlantern said...

I have several non book pleasures none that I consider guilty, If you check my blog you'll occasionally see sneaked in amongst the books posts on whisky ( a passion of mine), I'm also a great lover of music & love cycling, road & mtb. So although books are a lifelong love there are others.

Elizabeth said...

Stopping by from the blog hop.

I guess I am only other guilty pleasure is "playing" on the computer. :)


joemmama said...

I love TV and I really love Old Time Radio!

Mystica said...

I too wouldn't feel guilty over my pleasures which are very simple and prosaic ones! mango ice cream thats a good one!!! Have a good weekend.