
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 Year End Review

2018 was an interesting Reading Life year for me, new favorites discovered and old friends revisited.  Here is a partial demographic break down of my postings for 2018.

There were 133 posts on works by women, 80 by men.

Living authors were featured 102 times, those who have taken the Celestial Omnibus, 111 times

Top author home lands

  1. USA
  2. Poland
  3. Ireland
  4. UK
  5. Ukraine
  6. Sri Lanka
  7. France
  8. Australia
  9. Germany
  10. Canada
  11. Russia

(The writers from Poland, the Ukraine and Russia all wrote in Yiddish.)

The five most viewed posts of the year were all on short stories by Filipino writers.  

To my fellow book bloggers keep blogging.  Imagine how great it will be to look back on 25 plus years of book blogging.  Sometimes I do think “why bother" but blogging helped me get through some very dark times.

My great thanks to all who leave comments.

Great thanks also to Max u for kind Amazon gift cards.

I will soon do a separate post on my 2019 Reading Life hopes and plans.

Mel u

1 comment:

  1. What interesting patterns! I'm always surprised, too, by my own reading, to find a larger-than-expected total of American authors. (Almost as many as Canaadian for me, this year!) You seem to read very diversely, so that surprises me with your figures too.


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