Short Stories, Irish literature, Classics, Modern Fiction, Contemporary Literary Fiction, The Japanese Novel, Post Colonial Asian Fiction, The Legacy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and quality Historical Novels are Among my Interests

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Reading Life Review- August 2024 - Future Hopes


The Reading Life Review- August 2024

Novels Featured in August

1. School for Love - by Olivia Manning

2. The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride- 2023

3. Faithful by Alice Hoffman- 2016

4. Speedboat by Renata Adler- 1976

5. Yellowface by R.K Kuang - 2023

6. The Poppy War by R.K Kuang - 2018

Nonfiction Featured in August

1. Olivia Manning: A Woman at War by Deirdre David- 2013 - 

2. Provence 1970 by Luke Barr- 2016 - 226 Pages

3. I Am A Filipino and This is How I Cook by Nicole Ponseca and Miguel Trinidad - 2019 - 423 Pages

4. Coming to My Senses: The Making of a Counterculture Cook by Alice Waters - 2017 - 320 Pages

5. Fifth Sun: A New History of the Aztecs by Camilla Townsend- 2023

The Short stories Featured in August were four works by Carol Shields 

I also posted upon three science fiction movies from the 1950s

Blog Stats

There are as of today our posts have been viewed 8,012,930 times.

There are currently 4600 posts on The Reading Life 

Home Countries of August Visitors

1. Hong Kong


3. United States

4. India

5. Philippines

6. Russia




10. France

The most viewed posts are on short stories 

Eight August authors are Americans, one is English and one Canadian.

 Only two are deceased. 

Eight were featured for the first time in August,  Three are men.

Future Hopes and Plans

I plan to read both of Olivia Manning's trilogies, more short stories by Carol Shields and will continue my attempted read through of Alice Hoffman.  I will read selected nonfiction as well as works related to Jewish history and culture,

1 comment:

Buried In Print said...

What a satisfying mix of plans for the months ahead. I'm glad you will return with more Alice Hoffman.