- In Honor of Banned Book Week, an international event, I will be hosting a series of five guests posts from well known authors. Today we have a very interesting post from five writers about their favorite banned books. I live in a country with strong legal censorship of the media, there is even a move afoot to create a government agency to oversee blogs, so this is not a dead issue in much of the world. Do not take your freedom to read and write for granted as billions do not have that right.
Five Authors Share Their Favorite Banned Books

Ellen Datlow, acclaimed science fiction, fantasy, and horror editor:
I first read Lord of the Flies by
William Goldman as a teenager and it made an enormous impression on me. The
lost boys’ movement from civilization to barbarism shocked me yet seemed
utterly believable.
B. Palatchi, author of the forthcoming book The
Florentine Emerald:
The Lord of the
Flies, by
William Golding. I was shocked because its raw description of children’s
cruelty was beyond my imagination, but at the same time it was so realistic in
every aspect, that I had to review my idealistic assumptions about human
and Animal Farm by George
Orwell. I was thrilled by their brilliant criticism of the system that rules
modern societies and the fragility of the individual consciousness, our most
precious gift. These books show me how mass communication, social manipulation,
and the fear to be different from the crowd can be the worst dictatorship of
The Call of the
Wild by Jack
London. It was the first novel I read by myself as a child, and I became
fascinated by the powerful images of life struggling to survive against all
odds. Only the more primitive and deep instincts can be useful when
civilization can no longer protect us from the wild.
The Lord of the
Rings by J. R.
R. Tolkien. I was thirteen years old when I read it and could not stop until I
finished the book. It was like opening the door to another world, a
fabulous world about to be covered by the shadow of darkness while angels
(elves), were disappearing from the face of the Earth. I was amazed by the
author’s ability to create a complete new world, so coherent and appealing that
you could feel that it had existed in the past. Or should I say in our present?
Jennie Shortridge, contributor to Hotel
Angeline and author of the forthcoming book Love Water Memory:
When I first joined
Scout and Jem on their journey in the often-challenged To Kill a Mockingbird, I was probably eleven or twelve. I
understood it was a book about a time in the past. I knew that when it said “nigger,”
the writer of the story said it in a historical context, and that it was an
awful thing to say. I knew already that bad things—like sexual assault and
wrongful arrest and discrimination towards those who are different—were part of
our world. And I loved that someone was brave enough to tell this story. It
made me feel braver just for having read it. It made me want to do the same
thing, to write brave books about real things in a way that people would really
take to heart, and maybe do something brave themselves because of it. I’ll
never write a book as good as To Kill a Mockingbird, but I’ll keep
trying to write the most honest books I can, thanks to Harper Lee.
Sánchez, author of the forthcoming book The
I’ve read and enjoyed
many of the titles on the list. Those generally considered to be youth
literature stand out in particular: The Lord of the Rings and
Call of the Wild. The Lord of the
Rings was the first book I ever bought, when I was twelve, while Jack
London’s novels epitomized for me during my youth—and even today—the true
meaning of the word “adventure.”
Nevertheless, outstanding among
them is the extraordinary socially, historically, and politically charged Nineteen
Eighty-Four. I undertook my first reading when I was very young,
perhaps fifteen, and I remember the oppressive atmosphere that surrounded the
story. Back then, due to my youth, I wasn’t capable of understanding the
historical implications of the work; it was later, when I was thirty years old,
when I understood that Orwell reflected the anguish of a society that could
have come into being and that, fortunately, did not because of the defeat of
the fascists in Europe.
And today, after the passing of so
much time, in the face of evolving social and historical events and
technological progress, I wonder if we’re not far closer to this digital “Big
Brother” than we imagine . . .
Whatever the case, the final
sentence of the novel is devastating in the way it emphasizes how we can let
ourselves be influenced by power in any of its forms, even when we are fully
conscious of it.
End of Guest Post
Why not share with us some of your favorite banned books.
Mel u
The Reading Life
The Holy Bible. I finished the Old Testament a couple of years back. All the while I've read books that are banned, such as To Kill a Mockingbird. Great post! By the way, I thoroughly enjoyed Diary of an Interesting Year. Thanks for giving me a link. I will post on Paz Latorena this week.
I will look forward to your post on Paz Latorena-we should do a post on a once banned classic Filipino short story writer-any ideas?
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